Save the Planet or just yourself?

The argument begins

1 min readOct 1, 2021
Save trees save the planet by Wikimedia Commons
Save trees save the planet by Wikimedia Commons

One fine day, five friends (Ann, Soh, Conn, Andres and Psy) with radically different opinions start arguing.

Let’s hear what they have to say —

Ann Viron Mental:

We have limited resources, thus we should be responsible and save the planet!

Soh Sialyst:

We need to save the society first!

Conn Schumer:

We have infinite number of planets with infinite resources, we just need a way to reach them and bring the stuff to us (philander)

Andres Preñuer :

Yes, we need to innovate and not just reach the stars but also harness energy from them!

Psy Nick:

Y’all are just trying to save yourselves and your worthless ideals, planet will do just fine. It was here billions of years before us, and will be here billions of years after us.

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